Agency to Advocate

spare parts


We were able to catch up with spare parts this March, 2016 and attend their opening of the Mini Art Museums latest series “That Thing On The Side Of The Road” at Period Modern.  Curated by Hills Synder, the collection is:

“Honoring the overlooked; the cast-off; the abandoned; the peripheral. If the title sounds like it could be the name of a B-Horror film, you’re hearing it the way I do. Not going to bother you with pretentious words like hierarchy, transgressive, etc., but those concerns are there, they just won’t fit in my pickup truck. That’s really all there is to it. Why say more? ”

What’s awesome about the Mini Art Museum is that it is a community outreach based Museum that is taken to K-12 and community oriented events where children and adults alike are treated to a Museum experience that is brought directly to them.  Having personally traveled to multiple schools with spare parts to help document their trips, I have to say it is awesome to see such heart and talent go into such an initiative.  Thank you spare parts and co-founders Mary Cantu and Gabriela Santiago of The Mini Art Museum for all that you all do!

NOTE:  The Convergent Media Collective has been covering spare parts journey of promoting re-use through community advocacy based art programming.  You can see previous articles about spare parts work here:

Take It A Part, Make Art

CM Helps Spare Parts Fine Arts Fair


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